Cysts are patological cavities coated with tissue and filled with liquid. They can develop in both jaws and in the soft tissue (mouth, cheek) .

Dental cysts appear as a reaction of your organism to the constant infection that comes through the dental pulp which is infected. They can appear around the crown of a not yet grown tooth, during trauma..

If there are multiple infected teeth a cyst can appear on each of them. People with bad oral hygiene have more chances for cyst appearance.

What are symptoms that can indicate the existence of cysts?

Oftenly, there are no symptoms until the cyst reaches a certain size or it comes to a state of an acute infection. Symptoms are: changes in tooth color, hard bulge on the bone above the tooth, pain, swelling, tooth redness, root fistula, nasal discharge.

Consequences of cyst growth: surrounding bone resorption, damage on surrounding teeth, acute infection that could cause the swelling of your face and pain. Also, cysts can also affect your sinuses and nose.

How are dental cysts treated?

Only by surgery. They have to be removed from the bone completely and that is the only way. If the cyst has spread to a big part of the root, the tooth has to be extracted and the cyst surgically removed. The procedure is done under local anesthesia.

All about oral surgery


Cysts are patological cavities coated with tissue and filled with liquid. They can develop in both jaws and in the soft tissue (mouth, cheek) .Dental cysts appear as a reaction of your organism to the constant infection that comes through the dental pulp which is infected.

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