Dental tourism is a subsector of medical tourism. People all over the world are coming to Serbia to take care of their dental problems. It is a connection between pleasure and need – a free vacation for your oral health! For years now, our clinic has hosted patients from various countries. In the beggining it was mostly Serbian people working abroad but now there are many foreigners that find us through the Internet, our web site, or we are recommended by a satisfied patient. We are proud to say that most of our patients are coming from abroad and all of them have positive experiences. Our clinic provides a wide variety of services:

Belgrade holds many sights that are worth seeing during your stay. We will make sure to point you in the right direction!



People abroad use a lot of money and time to solve certain stomatological problems. Not because those problems are dealt with by better methods, but to justify large sums of money spent on such treatments. Repair of a simple tooth problem lasts for months and costs too much. Why? We are using the same materials, work by the same rule governed procedures but we get the work done in the same day. The speed of treating even some of the most difficult cases is what we are especially proud of! There is no problem that we cannot solve! A maximum of two visits varying from 7 to 10 days are enough to get a smile you always dreamed of!

Our Center for advanced dentistry and implantology offers top-quality service with the highest quality and most advanced materials and equipment that follow modern global standards. We collaborate with the best dental laboratories. It is a great honour for us to finalize a complex treatment and wish a good journey to the patient. Also, we advise all our patients they should go to regular controls in their own country, or, if possible, they can always come back to us, because we are always here for our patients!


As for the prices, we are aware that Serbia has consiredably lower costs when it comes to all dental services. It is our policy that prices are the same for all our patients. However, our effort and commitment is the same, no matter the lower prices. We could even say our responsibilities increase when a patient halfway across the world comes to us. Your trust has no price for us!

There is one thing that is certain – you will save up to 80% by coming to our clinic!!!



E-mail communication is the easiest way of contacting our team. In the e-mail you are supposed to describe your problem, your wishes, plans and ask any questions there might be. Within the e-mail there has to be a digital dental x-ray (ortopan) of both jaws so we can have a better insight of your bone structure and teeth. After a detailed analysis our team will determine the process of treatment and present you with all options (if there are more than one) . You will be acquainted with the whole procedure, such as what interventions are going to be needed, the duration, how many times you will have to come and ofcourse the approximate price of your treatment. In the case that two visits are required, you will pay only the price of the first visit interventions, while the rest is paid after the work is finished.

When we come to an agreement, the date of your arrival is completely up to you. We will try to make your stay enjoyable and dental interventions completely painless!

For foreign citizens that have health insurance which covers dental procedures we give receipts of our services that allow our patients to get a refund. Also, we issue medical reports that justify your absence from work.