Ridge augmentation

The part of the jaw where teeth roots are located is called alveolar ridge. The alveolar ridge is resorbed in the case of periodontitis or after the extraction of a tooth. An often requirement during implant placement is to secure enough jaw bone width and height, namely ridge expansion. This procedure, except in implantology, is used in other instances too. In the place from where the tooth was extracted bone resorption is faster and it negatively impacts surrounding teeth and the ridge which starts to “sink” in time. If the patient decides to put a metaloceramic bridge in order to compensate for the lost tooth, then an artificial bone is placed for cosmetic reasons.

The procedure

Synthetic bone placement during implant placement

This procedure is used when there is a flaw caused by either bone resorption because of an inflammation or bad remodelation of the bone because of tooth loss or extraction. Synthetic bone is placed around the implant where the bone is deformed in order to initiate the growth of new bone and by doing that it produces a more natural and aesthetically better ridge.

Synthetic bone placement as a condition for implant placement

After mucous is separated from the bone a synthetic bone is placed on the alveolar ridge. A protective membrane is placed over it, and then the mucous is stitched back. By doing this the synthetic bone is protected and new bone growth is initiated. After a certain period (a minimum of 6 months) implant placement can begin.

Bone deficiency is no longer a problem at our Clinic. By following latest technology trends we offer you procedures that are the best solution for your teeth.

All about oral surgery


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