Pregnancy affects every aspect of a woman’s life, including oral health.

Gingivitis in pregnancy (gum inflammation)Most women notices changes on her gums. Mostly they look more red, swell, bleed while brushing.. These symptoms can start as early as the second month of pregnancy. The inflammation is the worst in the eighth month and it slowly disappears after the delivery.

Gum inflammation is often manifested in the front part of the mouth. Symptoms are the same as in standrad gingivitis but some of the causes are different. Hormones are one of them, progesterone level which is ten times higher than normal is the other. Immune system is working differently during pregnancy which could change how your body reacts to some bacteria that cause gum inflammation.

In order to deal with gingivitis in pregnancy make sure your oral hygiene is ideal:

-brush your teeth at least twice a day

-use dental floss every day

-use dental anti

-bacterial mouthwash

Also, make sure you go for regular dentist check-ups. Pregnancy gingivitis can be controled by regular scale removing and tooth polishing.

Pregnancy tumor

Pregnancy tumor is a granuloma that appears on the gums in about 2-10% of pregnant women. It is also known as the Pyogenic Granuloma. Pregnant women should not be worried because it’s not actually cancerous and it is not dangerous but it is still unpleasant. It is usually placed in upper part of the gums but it can be found in the other parts of the mouth cavity. These tumors can easily bleed out and create a wound that soon becomes a scab.It is still unknown what causes these tumors but bad oral hygiene is believed to be the main factor. Viruses, hormones and blood vessel anomalies are also considered as factors. Women that have these granulomas usually have an advanced gum inflammation as well.These granulomas commonly disappear after delivery. If they interfere with chewing or speech, they have to be removed before childbirth. Statistics say that almost half of the women that had it removed, had a recurrence.

Tooth wasting

Women that have strong morning sickness and frequently vomit experience a loss of enamel of front teeth from the inner side. If you often vomit, go to yor dentist.

Dry mouth

Pregnant women often complain of dry mouth. That can be prevented by drinking a lot of water or chewing gums.

Excessive salivation

It is a less common phenomenon, it occurs in the early stages of pregnancy an it is gone by the end of the first trimester. It can be connected with sickness.

Frequently asked questions of pregnant women

I heard that pregnant women lose a tooth during each pregnancy. Is that true?

Some think that a developing fetus that is not getting enough calcium makes up for it by taking it from the mother’s teeth. That is incorrect. This is some sort of a myth. If you take care of your oral hygiene you won’t get caries and, ofcourse, won’t lose any teeth.

How to take care of my oral hygiene during pregnancy?

Eat balanced, nutritious meals with a lot of protein, calcium and vitamines A, C and D. Wash your teeth minimum twice a day. Use fluoridated toothpastes. Floss your teeth. Use mouthwash liquids that help with the destruction of bacteria.

Can I visit my dentist during pregnancy?

The second trimester is the best period for a preventive examination. If there is a need for surgical procedures they should be postponed until after the delivery.Try to avoid going to the dentist during the first trimester and the second half of the third trimester.Also, at the end of the pregnancy it is very uncomfortable to sit on a dental chair so all examinations should be done before that.

What should I do if I need therapy during pregnancy?

If it is necessary, you can get therapy for pain or to prevent an infection. Your dentist should make the decision with in compliance with your gynecologist or obstetrician.

Is it safe to go to x-rays while pregnant?

Modern x-rays are a lot weaker than those in the past. Studies have shown that both you and your child can be protected by using a safety conductor. However, many dentists avoid using x-rays during pregnancy unless it cannot wait for delivery.

Can I use dental medicine during pregnancy?

The amount of medicine excreted into the milk is 1-2% of the whole dose you took. It is not probable that dental medicine would influence the child’s development. To minimise the risk the risk take your medicine right after breastfeeding. The concentration of the medicine in the milk is highest for the next two hours after you used the medicine.

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Pregnancy affects every aspect of a woman’s life, including oral health.Gingivitis in pregnancy (gum inflammation)Most women notices changes on her gums. Mostly they look more red, swell, bleed while brushing.. These symptoms can start as early as the second month of pregnancy

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